Klistremerke: Norwegian Garrison

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The local 501st group I’m a member of used to be called Nordic Garrison. We’re now called Norwegian Garrison. And with the name change, we also have a new logo. Here’s the logo on a sticker.

A sticker in the shape of a shield. The border of the shield is blue with white letters that reads "501st Legion" and "Norwegian Garrison". The face of the shield is a stylized figure against a red background. It is a wampa, the ice monster on planet Hoth from the movie Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. The wampa is walking to the left while carrying a tauntaun leg. The style and the pose bears a resemblance to the Coat of Arms of Norway.

Nordic Garrison used to be comprised of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. The garrison grew over time.

A few years ago Denmark left to create their own garrison. And last year Finland had enough members to found the Finnish Garrison. (At least 25 members is required to create a garrison.) The Swedish members also left and founded the Swedish Garrison.

Norway was the only country left in the Nordic Garrison. The Nordic Garrison remnants voted for a name change. We’re now Norwegian Garrison.