Jakkemerke: Norwegian Garrison

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The local 501st group I’m a member of used to be called Nordic Garrison. We’re now called Norwegian Garrison. And with the name change, we also have a new logo. Here’s the logo as a patch:

A embroidered patch in the shape of a shield. The border of the shield is blue with white letters that reads "501st Legion" and "Norwegian Garrison". The face of the shield is a stylized figure against a red background. It is a wampa, the ice monster on planet Hoth from the movie Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. The wampa is walking to the left while carrying a tauntaun leg. The style and the pose bears a resemblance to the Coat of Arms of Norway.
Regular patch

We also have a limited edition version with silver threads. It is not easy to see, but the wampa fur is more shiny than on the regular version. See also a side by side comparison on the bottom of the page.

A embroidered patch in the shape of a shield. It's the same as the regular patch, but all white threads is silver instead.
Limited edition patch
The regular patch and the silver threaded patch side by side.
Comparison of the two variants