Force for the Cure is a non-profit charity organization fighting against breast cancer.
Sep. 2, 2019.Author: TK-32700
Pin: Force For The Cure 2018
Force for the Cure is a non-profit charity organization fighting against breast cancer.
Aug. 30, 2019.Challenge Coin: First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment – 2019 Version
The standard First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment challenge coin, 2019 edition.
Aug. 26, 2019.Fritidsmesse 2019
Vi møtte rundt 1000 folk og snakka om kostymebygging (og Star Wars) når den lokale vidaregåande skulen i Rana arrangerte ei messe.
24. august 2019Torucon 2019
To dagar på Torucon, den årlege kostymemessa som blir skipa i Trondheim.
12. august 2019