From late September to early May, it is chilly here in the norhtern parts of Norway. My 501st Legion Winter Cap helps me to keep warm on my short commute to work. This cap is black with red details, “501st Legion” in white letters with red shadow, and the 501st Legion logo in the middle. […]
Oct. 29, 2018.Author: TK-32700
Meetup med IT Helgeland
IT Helgeland inviterte medlem frå 501st i Mo i Rana til å gje ein presentasjon på ein Meetup. Det var ein artig kveld der vi lærte om kunstig intelligens, bevaring av innhald, gründerverksemd med meir.
17. oktober 2018Hoodie: First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment
In the wet and cold September days, nothing beats hiding indoors with hot tea and a streaming service, buried in a soft and warm hoodie. Just like this one: This is a dark blue Hanes Comfortblend EcoSmart Hoodie. It has the FISD logo on the chest and features a single front pocket. This was one […]
Sep. 10, 2018.Pin: 501st Legion Membership Pips
A couple of days ago I picked up an envelope at the post office. It was filled with pins! 😀 These are membership pips. I know some use them in different manners, but in my area we use them to show how many years we’ve been members. My membership was approved in December 2015, so […]
Sep. 6, 2018.Can Cooler: 501st Legion – 20th Anniversary
For a snowman living in a tiny town some 1000+ kilometers north of Hoth, any temperature above 23°C is hot. Imagine then what it feels like mid-summer during a heat wave… The thermometer has rarely dipped below 28°C for two weeks in a row now, and the other day we had the highest temperature ever […]
Jul. 29, 2018.