I’ve got my tickets for Star Wars: Episode IX, and a local newspaper did a story on it.
Nov. 8, 2019.Troops and appearances
One of the most fun thing about being an active member of 501st Legion, is doing appearances at events.
I’ve done movie premieres, conventions, birthday parties and more, and I still look forward to every time I get a chance to suit up. Nothing beats standing guard at the red carpet, watching the amazed looks from people as they arrive!
Here you’ll find summaries of official troops, appearances and other events I’ve participated in.
My official troops:
- Stormtrooper: 28
- Boba Fett: 9
Latest troop: Outland Bodø (2024-11-21).
Want an appearance?
Request an appearance in Norway via Norwegian Garrison. Other territories? See 501st.com.
Fritidsmesse 2019
We had fun meeting about 1000 people and chatting about costuming (and Star Wars) when the local high school in Mo i Rana held a fair.
Aug. 24, 2019.Torucon 2019
Two days at Torucon, the annual cosplay convention held in Trondheim.
Aug. 12, 2019.Meetup With IT Helgeland
IT Helgeland invited members from 501st in Mo i Rana to come and give a talk at a Meetup. It was a fun night where we learned about artificial intelligence, preservation of media, entrepreneurship and much more.
Oct. 17, 2018.Solo Premiere
Solo: A Star Wars Story premiere. We guarded the red carpet, hoping to catch a scoundrel.
May. 26, 2018.