Date: 2022-05-07
Location: The Science Center, Mo i Rana
Type: Convention
Costumes: Stormtrooper and Boba Fett
Vitensenter Nordland, the local science center, held a maker festival. The goal was to showcase makers of all kinds – from programmers and hackers to handicrafters and inventors. And, of course, costumers.
We had a stand front and center by the enterance. We handed out fliers, walked around in our costumes, chatted with people about costuming and the 501st, posed for pictures and had a good time. The local newspaper did an article about the festival (for subscribers only), and wrote a couple of lines about us.
The event lasted for six hours. I trooped as Boba Fett for the first couple of hours and later as Stormtrooper. TI-2096 also did a costume change, Imperial Officer and TIE pilot.