National Day Parade 2024

Date: 2024-05-17
Location: Trondheim
Type: Parade
Costume: Boba Fett

My fourth parade in Trondheim, and my first as Boba. It was absolutely lovely. The weather was really nice and the streets were packed with people coming to see and cheer us on. I don’t think I’ve seen so many onlookers before.

We changed at Comfort Park Hotel, took a few photos with the photographer Obelix Barbala, before walking over to meet Byåsen Marching Band at the line-up. We’ve collaborated with the marching bad for several years now, and I still get ecstatic when I hear them play Williams.

I attended as Boba Fett. It was incredibly fun marching as a named character. People screamed “my” name joyfully when they saw me.

Comfort Park Hotel before the parade
Photo by: Obelix Barbala
Nidaros Cathedral with the Byåsen marching band
Photo by: Obelix Barbala
Photo by: Obelix Barbala

Someone posted a TikTok video of us: