Dato: 2023-08-13
Stad: Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim
Type: Messe
Kostyme: Boba Fett
Torucon is an annual fantasy, scifi, anime and cosplay convention held in Trondheim. This was my third visit to this con.

I drove down on Friday and back home again on Monday, but only trooped in costume on Sunday.
This time I went as Boba Fett. It’s my 7th troop as Fett, but this was the first real field test of all the features of the costume.
I’ve found a few issues I’m going to fix when I do the usual post-troop maintainance, and a few things I wish to streamline to make dressing up and wearing the costume easier. The Jetpack harness, for instance, is a real killer on my back, so I need to look into making a trooping friendly version.
Other than that I was pleased with the gear. No major malfunctions.
All in all a fun weekend!