Challenge Coin: Force For The Cure – Black Lives Matter

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I’ve picked up another coin from Force for the Cure. This is their Black Lives Matter coin.

A black coin. We see both faces side by side. One side features the Imperial cog symbol and an Imperial Stormtrooper. The other side features the Rebel Alliance Starbird insignia and Princess Leia. Both sides says "Force for the cure" on top.

The coin is a black version of the Force for the Cure breast cancer campaign from 2018 (I didn’t get the coin that year, but I have the patch og pin from that run), featuring a stormtrooper on one side and Princess Leia on the other side.

Animation of a hand flipping the coin over to both sides.

Force for the Cure is a non-profit charity organization of Star Wars fans fighting against health and social issues, such as racism. You can find them on Facebook, Twitter og Instagram and at